306 research outputs found

    Dialèctica i humanisme en el pensament de Balmes

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    Hi ha dos programes intel·lectuals en els textos de Jaume Balmes, un d'explícit i un altre d'implícit. El programa explícit radica en la defensa del catolicisme i una teologia basada en la concepció de l'espiritualisme francès del segle xix i els autors clàssics de la segona escolàstica espanyola del segle xvi. El programa implícit, però, és molt més polític, i es fonamenta més en allò que calla que no pas en el que diu. Per què no esmenta mai els juristes de dret públic de la Corona d'Aragó? Per què no acaba d'explicitar la seva concepció de raó pràctica i de dialèctica?Two distinct intellectual agendas can be found in the writings of Jaume Balmes, one explicit and another implicit. Balmes' explicit program is grounded in the defence of Catholicism and in a political theology based on the conceptions of the 19th c. French Spiritualism and the classic authors of the Spanish Scholasticism of the 16th c. The implicit programme, by contrast, is much more political and its roots are to be found more in what he omits than in what he says. Why did he never quote the public law jurists from the Crown of Aragon? Why didn't he make his conception of practical reason and dialectics fully known

    Sobre la palesa insuficiència dels nostres mètodes per regular les relacions humanes

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    Text escrit en motiu de la taula rodona "El malestar en la civilització: un seriós avís sobre les possibilitats de la felicitat humana" celebrada a la Biblioteca de Ciències Socials (UAB) el 6 de maig de 2013Aquest text sintetitza l'impacte que l'obra de Freud ha tingut en el pensament jurídic contemporani, especialment en el realisme jurídic i en el moviment Critical Legal Studies. Analitza les relacions entre textualitat i violència, i planteja al final les possibilitats que el canvi tecnològic, que generalitza el control però també personalitza l'usuari, produeixi un tipus de societat diferent a la que hem conegut fins ara.This paper summarizes the impact of Freud's work has had on contemporary legal thought, especially in Legal Realism and the Critical Legal Studies movement. It analyzes the relationships between textuality and violence, and raises the possibility that technological change, which spreads and generalizes control but fosters users' personalization at the same time, leads to a different kind of society that we have known so far

    Republicanisme i justícia relacional

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    Foreword : a fruitful cooperation

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    La filosofia d'entreguerres: violència i redempció

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    Estudi elaborat en ocasió de l'Exposició organitzada per Jordi Rovira i Àngels Casanovas, Imatges per al record. La Gran Guerra en postals (1914-1918) Fundació Antiga Caixa d'Estalvis de Sabadell, 13 de Febrer del 2014Aquesta conferència tracta concisament la reacció dels filòsofs i intel·lectuals europeus (alemanys, francesos i britànics) davant l'esclat de la 1a Guerra Mundial. L'impacte que tingué la contesa en la filosofia d'entreguerres no es pot minimitzar. L'abast del conflicte i l'experiència de la violència es va deixar sentir tant en la teoria de l'estat i del dret, com en la revifalla de l'espiritualisme i la teologia que es produí en les dues generacions de filòsofs que van tenir l'experiència de la guerra.This lecture deals concisely with the reaction of some European philosophers and intellectuals (German, French and British) at the outbreak of the 1st World War. The impact that the contest had on philosophy between the wars cannot be minimized. The scope of the conflict and the experience of violence was felt both in the theory of state and law, and in the revival of spiritualism and theology produced in two generations of philosophers who had the experience of war

    Legal crowdsourcing and relational law : what the semantic web can do for legal education

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    Crowdsourcing and Relational Law are interrelated concepts that can be successfully applied to the legal domain and, more specifically, to the field of legal education. 'Crowdsourcing' means 'participation of people (crowds)' and refers theoretically to the aggregated production of a common knowledge in a global data space. 'Relational law' refers to the regulatory link between Web 2.0 and 3.0, based on trust and dialogue, which emerges from the intertwining of top-down existing legal systems and bottom-up participation (the Web of People). Legal education today has a major role to play in the broad space opened up in terms of future potential of the Semantic Web. The following paper places a lens on the educational value of crowdsourcing and the relational approach to governance and law

    Medieval legal realism

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    Altres ajuts: Project IEC PRO2018-S05This is a Research Note about the ongoing Project on the semantics of pact-modelling or pactism (pactisme) in Catalan ancient law. Pactism is the name of the legal doctrine that grounds the validity of legal provisions upon a pact-based model. It was developed as a basis for Catalan Public law in the 13th, 14th and 15th centuries. We present it as a medieval realism. Looking at the concomitances of 20th century legal realismand the doctrine of pactism can shed light on the emergence of early states and the construction of legal doctrines stemming from the reception of Roman law, the wide use of ius commune, and the development of case-based law and Scholastic reasoning methods. The semantics of pact-modelling processes and outcomes has yet to be established. Thus, it is also contended that Digi tal Humanities can offer some technological solutions to unravel underlying linguistic, cognitive, and ontological patterns to understand the political culture that came out of it and developed until the 18th c. in Catalonia